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Can Diabetic Patients Use Groundnut Oil?

Can Diabetic Patients Use Groundnut Oil?

Groundnut oil has been enriching our health for ages. It’s not new to Indian cuisine and is widely used in the central and western parts of India. Groundnut or peanut is also known as Chiniya Badaam, or small almonds, because of their nutritional benefits similar to almonds. 

Now, one of the common concerns people have about groundnut oil is whether it can raise sugar levels. After all, it does have a sweet taste, which might make you wonder if it's suitable for individuals with diabetes. 

So, let's explore this topic further and find out if groundnut oil is good for diabetics . 

Gear up to learn very little-known facts about wood-pressed groundnut oil, like the glycemic index of groundnut oil and glycemic load, how groundnut oil affects both insulin-dependent and independent diabetes, how much a diabetic person should consume groundnut oil, etc.

Table of Contents

  • Is Groundnut Oil good for Diabetics?
  • Other Benefits of Groundnut Oil You Must Know!
  • How To Use Groundnut Oil For Controlling Diabetes?
  • Recommended Dose of Groundnut Oil For Diabetics
  • FAQ: Can Diabetics Patients Use Groundnut Oil?
  • Conclusion

Let’s begin!

Is Groundnut Oil Good for Diabetics?

Refined groundnut oil, or any refined oil, is harmful in diabetes. They lack naturally occurring nutrients and are highly processed to increase shelf life and appearance. 

Recent studies have shown that cold-pressed or wood-pressed groundnut oil is good for heart health, brain and bones, but is groundnut oil good for Diabetics?

Here are a few effects of cold-pressed groundnut oil on carbohydrates, blood glucose levels, and the overall body health of a diabetic person. So, you can be better equipped with information and decide if groundnut oil is good for diabetics or not. 

6 Reasons Why Groundnut Oil is Good for Diabetic Patients

Let’s take a look at how groundnut oil can help manage diabetes :

1. Groundnut oil has a low glycemic index

The glycemic index is a measuring scale between 1 to 100, based on how long it takes a human body to digest and convert carbohydrates into glucose. Easily or quickly digestible foods have a high glycemic index, while those that take longer to digest have a low glycemic index.

Glycemic Index should be taken into consideration while choosing foods for diabetics. Foods and oils low in GI help prevent the sudden rise in blood sugar levels.

Cold-pressed Groundnut oil has a GI of 40 and a glycemic load (GL) of 8.6, falling under the low glycemic index range. When it is further used in cooking any dish consisting of vegetables or proteins, the whole meal forms a complex carbs structure, which even takes longer to digest and hence prevents blood sugar fluctuations after meals. 

2. Groundnut Oil Helps in Reversing Insulin Resistance

In diabetes, the body's immune system is deeply affected. Diabetes prevents the body’s immune response from fighting the free radicals created due to the oxidation of certain compounds. This creates oxidative stress, resulting in the conversion of excess fats into blood glucose.

Groundnut oil has an effective amount of Vit E: 15.7 mg per 100 gm. Vit E helps fight free radicals and reduces oxidative stress and blood glucose levels. 

3.Groundnut Oil Has a Good Amount of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids 

Groundnut oil has 46 g per 100 g of monounsaturated fatty acids. The oleic acid and high oleic acid present in groundnut oil help in the secretion of insulin production. 

They affect the insulin-inhibitory factors that prevent the secretion of insulin in the pancreas. A regular and controlled amount of groundnut oil helps in regulating blood sugar levels.

4.Groundnut Oil Can Help In Improving Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) 

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver is a condition in which the liver is unable to perform its function of breaking down fats, protein and carbs efficiently. The excess amount of glucose left in the blood is converted into fat and deposited in the adipose tissue and liver, causing obesity. 

The high oleic acid content in groundnut oil can help in reversing the fatty liver by improving insulin production and carbs digestion.

5.Groundnut Oil Reduces the Chances of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes and Obesity

The human body secretes cytokine TNF alpha, which is responsible for many metabolic syndromes (MS), one of which is insulin resistance

A study done on peanut oil oleic acid shows that groundnut/peanut oil high in oleic acid can reduce the blood sugar level by reversing the inhibitory effect of cytokine TNF alpha factor, which inhibits insulin production. 

6.Groundnut Oil is rich in Tryptophan 

Groundnut oil is a bunker of tryptophan. Now, why is tryptophan important? Well, it increases serotonin and reduces stress/depression by decreasing cortisol levels, which further prevents sugar cravings and the faster digestion of carbs into glucose and fat.

All the high-stress conditions like diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, hypertension, acid reflux, migraines, etc. are aggravated in times of mental and physical stress. Tryptophan acts as a destresser and helps in diabetes.

3 Special Properties of Groundnut Oil

Is groundnut oil good for diabetics? Still not sure? Here are some special health benefits of Groundnut Oil that you must know!

  • Groundnut Oil has Anti-tumour Properties

Groundnut oil has anti-tumour properties. It reduces the chances of breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

  • Zero cholesterol

Groundnut oil is a vegetable oil, so there is no risk of ingesting readymade cholesterol. The good fats present in groundnut oil lower the bad cholesterol in the blood.

  • Groundnut Oil Keeps the Heart Healthy

Groundnut oil has a better mix of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and vit E. All of them help in maintaining good heart health by improving the blood circulatory system.

Groundnut oil is a treasure trove of goodness, isn’t it?

Let’s learn more about its recommended dose/quantity and how to include it in our regular cooking to control diabetes.

How To Use Groundnut Oil For Controlling Diabetes?

To benefit most from groundnut oil, you can include it in your cooking. Since it has a high smoke point of 180 degrees Celsius, it is ideal for all types of cooking temperatures. You can use it to saute veggies, cook rasam, dal curries, paratha, or in salad dressings.

Food cooked in groundnut oil will form a complex carbohydrate structure and satiate your hunger for a longer duration.  

The good part is that food cooked in groundnut oil will taste delicious and won’t remind you of being on a specific diet.

What is the Recommended Dose of Groundnut Oil For Diabetic Patients ?

The big question is here: how much oil can a diabetic person eat in a day?

It is important to keep the oil/fat content within the recommended dosage to benefit from the groundnut or any oil. Eating more of anything causes imbalance and is not good for your health.

Keeping the above factors in mind, it is alright for a diabetic person to take 2 to 3 tsp of groundnut oil per day. Now, suppose there are 4 people in your family, so you can include about 8 to 12 tsp of groundnut oil to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

For optimum usage, you can include groundnut oil in combination with other oils like mustard, safflower, and sesame oil to include varieties of essential fats, vitamins, and minerals in your meals.

FAQ: Can Diabetics Patients Use Groundnut Oil?

Does groundnut oil increase sugar levels?

No groundnut oil does not increase blood sugar levels. Groundnut oil has a low glycemic index of 40, and the high oleic acid content in groundnut oil helps increase the production of insulin, which decreases blood glucose levels.  

Which oil is best for diabetic patients?

It's important in diabetes to consume foods with a low glycemic index. Oils used in cooking should have a low GI and a good ratio of fatty acids. These oils are recommended to be used in diabetes: groundnut oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, safflower oil, walnut oil and canola oil.

Is groundnut good for diabetes?

Groundnuts or peanuts are diabetic-friendly foods. They are high in protein, fibres, vit E, fatty acids, and antioxidants that help in controlling blood glucose levels, insulin production, and fighting free radicals. 

Which oil to avoid for diabetes?

Oils that have a high glycemic index must be avoided by people with diabetes. Other than that, any refined oil is bad for diabetes.


Is groundnut oil good for diabetes? Absolutely, it is!

Any diabetic person can control their blood sugar levels through the optimal use of groundnut oil. Overconsumption is not advisable for diabetes or any health conditions. Include high-fibre foods with groundnut oil to get the most benefits.

Just one last reminder: cold-pressed or wood-pressed groundnut oil is good for diabetics and not the refined one!

Where to buy one?

At Two Brothers, we make groundnut oil from organically grown native ghunghroo groundnut/peanuts. They are slowly pressed under a wood dresser at a moderate temperature to preserve all of their nutrients and flavor. You will know it's pure once you experience its taste and smell. Check out  pure, wood-pressed groundnut oil that can help you to manage diabetes.    


Groundnut Oil Vs Sunflower Oil - Which One Is Healthier ?

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