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Question 1  

What are the benefits of Ashwangandha?

Withania Somnifera is the botanical name for Ashwangandha, the 'King' of all herbs. Some of the benefits of Ashwagandha are:

  • Calms nervous Systems. 
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Boosts vigor and energy levels
  • Rejuvenates the mind and body
  • Boosts male reproductive system by improving sperm quality and testosterone levels
  • It has high concentration of withanolides, which have been shown to fight inflammation and tumor growth
  • In Ayurveda , it is considered as a Rasayana and a rejuvenator showing anti tumor, neuroregenerative, anti- arthritic properties

Question 2  

What is a Herbal Ghee or Herbal Ghrita?

Traditional Ayurvedic formulation- Gir cow cultured Ghee (4 parts, Herbal extract concoction or Kashaya (16 parts ) Kaadha and Herbal paste or kalka (1 part) is mixed under the guidance of an expert Vaidya in a two stage long laborious process over 2 days, handmade over fire wood.

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