Most times we find ourselves wondering - How is it that we are so truly happier and joyful in the natural world? How many times we find ourselves baffled by the majesty of a tree, the strength in its bark making it grow deeper into the earth and expand outward generously, reaching for the sky - bearing a silent, patient witness to the unrest of all those who sat in its shade!

Farmer Groups - Awareness / Education
Farmer Satyajit delivered a lecture on the importance of Organic Farming to farmers (Krushi Unnati Shendriya Sheti Gat) in Shelgaon village Indapur Taluka District Pune. Organised by Govt of Maharashtra Dept of Agriculture.

Farmers we have hand held
Namdeo - Organic Farmer from Shelgaon

Dnyandev Thombre - Organic Farmer

Farmer Trainings along with ATMA - Initiative by the Government of Maharashtra
Project 100 Organic Farmers - 1000 Acres Organic Farms
Jaihind Lokchalwal Sangamner - Youth Farmer Meet
Jaihind Lokchalwal is an NGO that works in the upliftment of society through work in Education, Social, agricultural and other activities, guided and run by MLA Balasaheb Thorat and MLA Dr Sudhir Tambe. They have a energetic and progressive team, their work and intention are commendable and we wish them all the best in their future activities.

Nimgaon Ketki Farmers Meet

Work with Schools and Educational Institutions
The Bishop's School, Pune

The Polymath School, Mumbai

Together we shall create the world we want to live in. invited by The Polymath School, Mumbai yesterday to come and work with the school to design an entire education experience around Organic Farming, to give students the holistic experience of “real” education.
The school had been in touch with us for a year, their dedication and commitment is super-impressive. The school has already planted many trees and flowering plants and we were happy to see hundreds of butterflies and met their pet frog in the rustic pond built by the school children.
In rapturous glee we discussed the possibility of helping the school have an Organic Farming Club to plant indigenous trees, create a food forest, adopt sustainable practices, solar energy, water harvesting, and many more ideas to create a world we would love to live in.

The Spirited Talks by Bhoomi College, Bangalore

Talks at Vedary Mumbai
Shop for Change talk at Vedary, Coming to Vedary has always been a pleasure, this unique space created by Harsh has some great vibes, one of its kind of a centre that gets together the best of ancient healing practices, and wisdom and modern science to help one achieve optimum health.
Supporting the cause of holistic sustainable living wholeheartedly.
It is way ahead of its time in what it does, giving that ray of hope to people seeking alternate physical and mental healing and well-being paths, advocating techniques that were wise proven and stood the test of time.
Such spaces are the rejuvenation spots urban cities and minds need, this is an oasis of HOPE, LOVE, TRUST, CARE, WISDOM, and their work reflects the finest qualities of being Human.
It is a pleasure to support this lovely initiative - Happy being friends with them in this journey.
#vedary #shopforchange #mumbai @ Vedary
YES Bank Foundation Talks
A talk on Sustainable Lifestyle and Sustainable Consumption was addressed by Farmer Satyajit among participants of 4th edition Yes Foundation's Media for Social Change Fellowship Program during their induction training program at Pune. Participants from various institutes with different backgrounds were present during the session.
We shared our story of TBOF and how pursuing joy in choosing your vocation is so important, we also shared the journey of our sustainable venture and how this benefits all the stake holders right from the soil in the farm to Mother Earth in totality.
The care for Mother Earth rests in the hands and minds of youth and their participation and involvement is so important.
The work YES FOUNDATION of YES BANK does is truly noteworthy and we wish them all the best.
#yesfoundation #4th edition
Pune Organic Retailers Talk
The Organic farming and food movement is at a very nascent stage and organic retailers play an important role to help sell organic famers produce to the end consumers.
Thereby giving a better price to the farmer for his produce, helping him be sustainable and help the local community stay healthy by making this food available.
It was a pleasure to be invited to the Association of Organic Retailers & Exponents a group of organic retailers in Pune.
We have had the opportunity to work with major retail chains in the past and with stand alone - boutique - organic retail shops, and we have loved working with passionately run boutique organic stores.
Anyone interested wishes to get in touch with them may contact on the coordinates below
Nilesh - +919922488750
Sandeep - +919823305531
Gau Seva Award - Two Brothers Organic Farms
It's an honour to have been awarded the Shradheya Moropant Pingale Goseva Award, for the category Go-Sanvardhan (Holistic Development of the Cow) for 2018 by the Go-Vidnyaan Sanshodhan Sanstha, Pune and Dadrananagar Haveli Mukti Sangram Samiti, Pune’s GO-SEVA Puraskar 2018.
Presiding the event were Dr Vallabhai Kathiria, Chairman Govt of India Kamadhenu Ayog, and Suhasrao Hiremath RSS member central committee.
Amongst other awardees were people from different parts of the country who are leading the way with their work around Holistic development of Indian Indigenous Cows.
At TBOF, we pursue Desi Cow based Organic farming and our experience has been proof of how this can enhance the quality and yield of the soil by many folds. We aspire for more and more farmers to take up this path - grow diverse crops without contaminating the soil - the soil has everything; every nutrient that the crops require. The only inputs we feed the soil are Desi Cow dung and Cow urine - this along with other imp factors like mulching and using natural indigenous seeds have helped us ensure a bio-diverse environment around the farm.
We humbly dedicate this award to every farmer out there who never stopped believing in the soil - every farmer who considers it his/her responsibility to cultivate poison-free food. We dedicate this award to every one of those farmers who showed us the way at the start of our journey and shared everything that they knew about Desi Cow based Holistic farming without holding back.
As consumers, we should be mindful of supporting farmers who pursue farming based on Indian indigenous cows. It's never been an easy road as it means swimming against the tide. So when we step outside of the conventional food options that we have today and pick naturally farmed produce, we are actually joining hands for a stronger, resilient nation that eats well.
#naturalfarming #Desicowfarming
#desicow #desicowghee
#organicmovement #goodfood
#goodfoodguide #chemicalfree
#farmerstories #soil #healthysoil #goseva
Bhoomi College Talk - Bangalore -28th July - 2019
We had a lovely interaction with students of the Bhoomi College Bangalore yesterday, They had called upon our Founding Farmer Satyajit to come and spend an entire days session with their students from the sustainable course batch.
The session lasted from 10 am to 3:30 pm and we shared the entire story of Two Brothers Organic Farms with the ever so enthusiastic students- challenges, success, failures et all, was a complete download of what we "experienced" in our journey till date.
Bhoomi College has a beautiful campus, nowadays where do you come across a campus that has buildings built with eco-friendly materials, using renewable sources of energy to power and run the college, has an equal amount of land devoted for growing Food organically which also provides food for the on-campus kitchen and canteen, beautiful and well-conceived is to say the least, the entire idea of Bhoomi is what education needs today COHESIVE, SYNERGISTIC, HOLISTIC.
The Space is sacred for those who come to learn and unlearn, learning basically how to sync with nature and grow, doing everything consciously, Students get to work on the farm in the morning, imagine spending time with soil, saplings, manure, water, trees and plants, nothing better to start your day, the truest Karma time to spend.
Its spaces like these that have upheld the mantle of human consciousness and reflect what true Education should really be about, they are an oasis from which students and seekers of sustainable education can come and quench their thirst from, they stay like a family, imagine so many ppl thinking and contemplating on the same idea, free spirits and souls who have followed what their inner selves seek and committed to making a career in the sustainable space, it is no doubt students like them who show the right path forward that is good for Mother earth, and its inhabitants.
For us it was like fullfilling our duty when they called upon us to come teach our learnings and share our journey, and we will be ever so ready to support them in creating a better world, glad we could give out two bits, and an honour to be invited by them.
#BhoomiCollege #Sustainability
Kolhapur Farmer Trainings
The Soil movement carries on, we had an interesting Farmer training and interaction today at Mohite Industries Kolhapur, organised by Smt Monika Mohite, whose immense interest and love to turn her farm organic had kept us talking for over 6 months, finally the training and handholding for farmers happened today (Sept 20), we shared our story with details on the technique of organic farming and the dynamics of marketing.
The plan is to form a like-minded group with these interested farmers and handhold them through the entire process till harvesting and then help them market their produce at the right price.
Kolhapur has a different spirit which is royal yet humble and the best of all they are the best in sportsmanship, and an association with them will ensure we get to visit and experience this more often.
Kolhapur is blessed by nature with abundant rainfall, many rivers, fertile soil and hardworking sporty people, they have always held the mantle in many walks of life and we are sure with them getting into organic farming with a gusto they will set an example for others to follow.
It’s always a pleasure for us to handhold farmer families interested in farming, what was also unique about this prog was that there were leaders with common farmers sitting for the entire 4 hour session re-emphasising their commitment to organic farming and sustainable agriculture, we had Smt Vedantika Mane the wife of the standing Member of Parliament Dhairyasheel Mane and Prithviraj D. Mahadik who is the eldest son of Ex Member of Parliament Mr. Dhananjay Mahadik, we also had teams of Shahu Karkhana, Kagal, and Rajaram Institute of Technology (who is helping in designing and making technical instruments for Organic Farming) and 12 farmers of Zilla Parishad, a total of 70 participants.
Farmers have the abaility to help change the world into a better place as they are directly connected with the lements of nature, it starts with each one individually, only when we dont overthink about other factors and work with an earnest zeal and passion listening to our own minds and consiousness. @ R M Mohite Industries
Malinagar Dist Solapur Farmer Trainings
We Had an amazing session with over 400 farmers yesterday (Sept 20) at the KrishiSamrat 1st anniversary celebration organised by a group of progressive and passionate farmers in Malinagar near Akluj, Dist Solapur.
The soil movement grows, farmers want to convert their soils to organic but don’t have the complete picture of growing and marketing which does not give them the confidence to turn organic, any solution must be holistic.
It’s our duty to share what we learn each day in our journey and we look at this as a movement that will change the world to a better place and make farmers happy.
When we are not in the farms or farmers markets then we are with farmers training them, our entire world is farms farmers farming. @ Malinagar, India