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Multigrain atta vs Single grain Atta - What to Choose & Why

Multigrain atta vs Single grain Atta - What to Choose & Why

Benefits Of Using Gluten Free Atta That You Need To Know Reading Multigrain atta vs Single grain Atta - What to Choose & Why 9 minutes Next 5 Easy And Tasty Rice Flour Recipes

Multigrain atta vs whole wheat atta - the debate over which is better for our health has gained significant attention in recent years.

As individuals become more conscious about their dietary choices, it is crucial to understand the benefits and drawbacks of these two popular types of atta.

While whole wheat atta has been a staple in Indian households for generations, multigrain atta has emerged as a promising alternative, combining various grains to enhance nutritional value.

In this article, we'll compare multigrain atta vs whole wheat atta so you can choose the ideal one for your needs.


  • What is Multigrain Atta 
  • 5 Benefits of Multigrain Atta
  • What is Single Grain Atta 
  • 5 Benefits of Single Grain Atta
  • Choosing between Multigrain and Single Grain Atta
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


What is Multigrain Atta

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Multigrain atta is a type of flour used in Indian cuisine that is made by combining different grains. It contains two or more grains, usually wheat but sometimes barley, oats, millets, corn, or rice.

These grains are ground together to create a flour mixture combining various grains' nutritional benefits.

The concept behind multigrain atta is to create a more wholesome and nutritious alternative to traditional single-grain flour.

By combining different grains, multigrain atta offers a wider range of nutrients, including a variety of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. This blend seeks to balance carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats.

5 Benefits of Multigrain Atta 

multigrain atta benefits

As we know, multigrain atta combines various grains and cereals to make nutritious and versatile flour. It has many health benefits.

Here are some potential benefits of using multigrain atta:

1. Increased Nutritional Value

Multigrain atta incorporates a variety of grains such as wheat, millet, barley, oats, and more. Each grain brings its unique nutritional profile, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre.

As a result, consuming multigrain atta can provide a broader range of nutrients compared to single-grain flours.

2. Dietary Fibre Content

Multigrain atta typically contains more dietary fibre than refined flours. Fibre prevents constipation, maintains digestive health, and controls blood sugar. 

The inclusion of whole grains in multigrain atta contributes to its fibre content, promoting a healthier digestive system.

3. Balanced Carbohydrate Release

The combination of different grains in multigrain atta can help regulate the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream.

This slower release of carbohydrates can prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to manage their blood sugar levels.

4. Rich in Antioxidants

Whole grains, like those in multigrain atta, are known to have antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and lower the chance of chronic diseases. Antioxidants can help the body get rid of harmful molecules and lower inflammation.

5. Weight Management

Multigrain atta's high fibre content can contribute to a feeling of fullness and satiety, potentially aiding in weight management and controlling overeating.

The slower digestion and steady release of energy from complex carbohydrates in multigrain atta can help avoid sudden hunger pangs and unnecessary snacking.

What is Single Grain Atta?

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Single Grain Atta refers to a type of flour commonly used in Indian cuisine. Unlike traditional atta, which is made from a combination of grains like wheat, barley, and maize, Single Grain Atta is made from a single grain, typically wheat.

The wheat used in this flour is carefully selected and processed to ensure high quality and purity. Single Grain Atta is popular for chapatis, rotis, and other Indian bread due to its fine texture, nutty flavour, and high fibre content.

5 Benefits of Single Grain Atta

single grain atta benefits

Single Grain Atta offers nutritional benefits, better taste, and versatility, making it a preferred choice for those seeking healthier alternatives to refined flours.

There are several pros to using Single Grain Atta:

1. Nutritional Benefits

Single Grain Atta provides nutritional benefits as it retains more natural nutrients compared to refined flours. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, promoting overall health and aiding digestion

The minimal processing involved in its production helps preserve the grain's inherent nutritional value.

This makes Single Grain Atta a healthier choice as it provides a higher nutrient content compared to refined flours, which undergo extensive processing that often strips away essential nutrients.

2. Higher Fiber Content

Single Grain Atta contains more dietary fibre than refined flours. This fibre aids in digestion, promotes bowel regularity, and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Single Grain Atta contains a higher amount of dietary fibre compared to refined flours. Fibre-rich foods like Single Grain Atta help improve satiety, weight control, and health risks like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

3. Rich Flavour and Texture

Single Grain Atta's rich flavour and finer texture enhance the taste and texture of dishes. The nutty undertones of the flour add a pleasant and distinct flavour to bread like chapatis and rotis.

The finer texture makes the bread softer and more enjoyable to eat. This makes eating more enjoyable and rewarding.

4. Healthier Option

Single Grain Atta is considered a healthier choice because it undergoes less processing compared to refined flours. It retains more of the grain's natural nutrients and is generally free from additives and preservatives.

Single Grain Atta can help people lose weight, control their blood sugar, and improve their health by reducing refined carbohydrate intake.

5. Versatile Usage

Single Grain Atta can be used in various recipes beyond bread-making, including pancakes, crepes, and baked goods. Its high fibre content and nutty flavour can enhance these dishes' nutritional profile and taste.

Whether you are looking to make healthier breakfast options or experiment with baking, Single Grain Atta provides a wholesome and flexible ingredient that can be incorporated into a wide range of recipes.

Choosing Between Multigrain and Single Grain Atta

When deciding between multigrain and single-grain atta, the question of which is healthier often arises. The answer lies in understanding the nutritional differences between the two options, i.e., knowing Multigrain atta vs whole wheat atta.

Multigrain Atta

Single Grain (Whole Wheat) Atta

Main Components

Wheat, barley, oats, millets

Whole wheat

Nutrient Profile

High diversity of nutrients

High in B vitamins, iron, magnesium

Fibre Content

Varies depending on the grains used

High, aids digestion and promotes satiety

Health Benefits

Improved heart health, enhanced energy levels

Good for digestion, promotes satiety

Additional Advantages

Broader range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

Promotes a well-rounded nutrient profile

Best Suited For

Those wanting a varied diet, those looking to increase energy levels and heart health

Those with digestion issues, those needing higher fibre intake

When To Choose

If you want diverse nutrients from different grains

If you need a reliable source of fibre and essential nutrients

Ideal For Dietary Needs/Preferences

Those wanting to explore diverse nutrition options

Those sticking to traditional dietary choices


Is multigrain atta healthier than single-grain atta?

Multigrain atta is generally considered healthier due to its wider range of nutrients, higher fibre content, and potential digestion and blood sugar management benefits.

Does multigrain atta taste different from single grain atta?

Yes, multigrain atta may have a slightly different taste and texture compared to single grain atta due to the blend of grains. It may take some time to adjust to the new flavour.

Is multigrain atta more expensive than single grain atta?

Yes, multigrain atta tends to be pricier than single grain atta due to the additional cost of blending multiple grains. However, the nutritional benefits it offers may justify the higher cost.

Can I customise my own blend of grains in multigrain atta?

Some brands or shops may offer the option to customise your own multigrain atta blend. This allows you to choose the specific grains that suit your preferences and dietary needs.

Are there any allergens in multigrain atta?

Yes, multigrain atta may contain grains like wheat, barley, or oats, which can be allergens for some individuals. It's important to read the ingredient list carefully if you have known allergies or sensitivities.

Does multigrain atta contain gluten?

Depending on the particular grains incorporated, multigrain atta may or may not include gluten. Some varieties of multigrain atta contain gluten, usually derived from wheat, while others might not if they employ grains like millets or quinoa.

Can I eat multigrain atta for weight loss?

Yes, multigrain atta may be a good option for those looking to lose weight. It frequently contains a variety of grains that offer a range of nutrients and fiber, fostering a sense of fullness and assisting with weight management. However, portion control and a healthy diet in general are crucial for successful weight loss.


When deciding between multigrain atta vs whole wheat atta, it's important to consider your individual preferences, dietary needs, and budget.

Multigrain atta offers the advantage of a diverse blend of grains, providing increased nutritional value, high fibre content, and potential health benefits. However, it may have a different taste, be slightly more expensive, and contain potential allergens.

Two Brothers is an excellent online shop offering a wide range of atta varieties to cater to different preferences and dietary requirements for those seeking quality atta options. Visit it today to meet all your dietary needs.


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